Precision Grinding & Lapping
Blanchard Grinding
Blanchard grinding is used to quickly remove stock from one side of a part. Blanchard grinding leaves a specific finish pattern on surfaces, produced by the nature of the operation, and of the movement of grinding tools across the surface. Due to the design and operation of a Blanchard grinding machine, it will grind different work pieces to a uniform size, a benefit for extensive production runs.
Part Lapping
Precision lapping can be used to obtain a specific surface finish. It is also used to obtain very accurate surfaces, usually very flat surfaces. Flatness is normally measured in Helium Light Bands, with one HLB measuring about 0.000011 inches (280 nm). This precision allows us to repeat the same high standard of flatness and surface finishes on every part. The Lapmaster 20 is made of a heavy-duty carbon steel welded base with a "planetary ring" configuration.
Lapmaster M/N 20
Parts Washers
The ADF parts washer features heated wash, fresh water rinse and hot air drying with timed cycles. Parts are then inspected, coated with a rust inhibitor when required and packaged directly from the parts washer to insure the surface finish.
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